Hello World!!
Mark here with Schiavo Outdoors. This is my second blog post and boy do we have a lot to talk about!
Hunting season is under way!!! As I type this on October 6th just after getting done a morning sit, I felt the need to indulge you all with what I consider life’s blessings. This morning hunt was perfect! Here in Jersey, we are just coming off a 5-day Nor’Easter. This morning was the first clear day since last Thursday! Any who the temperature was in the high fifties low sixties with the pressure rising. I was so excited to get out I barely slept. I had a stand set up which is perfect for the mornings; too perfect because once I got into the tree, I spoked a deer. Low and behold after 3.5 hours in the stand that was the only encounter, I had. That’s why they call it hunting! I think I am going to forgo the self-filming in the mornings. It is just too much to do in the dark without spooking everything. I am going to get back out there this weekend.
Stay tuned to my You Tube Channel for more updates!
Thanks All!!